Saturday, March 06, 2004

Kaul and Cowl

The head garment worn by the ancient priests, e.g. the Egyptian Monks, is a COWL and this too continues the similar etymology we have found for KAUL generally as involving the head.

I. Marc Carlson has compiled a "Glossary of some medieval clothing terms" from which the following entry is taken:


[The derivation and form-history present difficulties. OE. renders L. cuculla by cuele, cule, cuhle and cule, weak fem.; also cufle wk. f. The former comes down in 12-13th c. cole, and the coule, cowle (coole) of later times; cufle may be the parent of kuuele (which in Ancren R. would regularly stand for kuvele), couele, kuuel, couel. OE. cuele is cognate with OHG. cucula, cugula, chugela (MHG. kugele, kugel, gugel, LG. kogel), a. eccl. Lat. cuculla monk's cowl, from cl. L. cucullus hood of a cloak. OE. cufle appears to be cognate with MDu. covele, cövel(e fem., in Kilian kovel, mod.Du. keuvel 'cowl', and to be connected with (perh. the origin of) Icel. kofl, kufl str. masc. 'cowl'. The history of cufle and its allied forms is obscure.]

A garment with a hood (vestis caputiata), worn by monks, varying in length in different ages and according to the usages of different orders, but 'having the permanent characteristics of covering the head and shoulders, and being without sleeves' (Cath. Dict.). Also, formerly, a cloak or frock worn by laymen or by women. The cl. Lat. cucullus was the hood of a cloak, covering the head only. The cowls of the early Egyptian monks covered the heads, and barely reached the shoulders; by 800 the cowls of monks had become so long as to reach their heels, when St. Benedict restricted their length to two cubits. In the 14th c. the cowl and the frock were often confounded; but it was declared at the Council of Vienne 'we understand by the name of cuculla a habit long and full, but not having sleeves, and by that of floccus a long habit which has long and wide sleeves'. See Du Cange s.v. Cuculla.

Friday, February 27, 2004

KAUL KAUR as indicating Wisdom Experience Noble Ancestry Old Bones

The Lapps, i.e. Saami, use the term Kauli for their skilled dogs (so I am told by Tapio Honkanen in my e-mail correspondence with him about the origin of words similar to Kaulins).

This indicates that my analysis of "old bones", as meaning "knowledgeable due to experience" is a likely etymology, fitting also with the Celtic language, for, as written at (search all dictionaries)

tame, callaidh (M`A., also Sh., who gives the meaning "active" to the last form); cf. Welsh call, wise; from Latin callidus?

wise, sover, Irish céillidhe; from ciall.

sense, understanding, Irish, Old Irish ciall, Welsh pwyll, Cornish pull, Breton poell, *qeislâ: Indo-European qei, observe, see, shine; Greek @Gpinutós, wise; Sanskrit cetati, perceive, cittam, thought, cino@-ti, discover; further German heiter, clear."

we also have, from the same source

a club, bludgeon, Irish, Early Irish cuaille, *kaullio-; Greek @Gkaulós, stalk; Latin caulis, stalk; Lithuanian káulas, a bone (Stokes). It may, however, be for *coud-s-lio-, from qoud, Latin cûdo, strike. "

That latter idea about the Latin origin is absolute nonsense, complete idiocy by the linguists.

The Sumerian language has

"KALAM = Sumer as a nation which is Latvian GALMs seat of rule"

The Old Kingdom Pharaonic Egyptian dictionary by Rainer Hannig has
qrht i.e. kauriete meaning the "original nobility" or "ancestry" of a people, i.e. it looks like "old bones" again since qrs i.e. kauris in the next following Pharaonic word in that same dictionary means "burial" so I imagine that means "bones" especially since two pages later the idiom qs (which is false, it should be qrs based on previous similar words in the dictionary) means in fact "bones".

Interesting in this regard is also the Latvian word kālis meaning "Swede or "Swedish turnip".

Tapio honkanen has written to me that kaali also means cabbage in Finnish.

But the similar term German Kohl also means cabbage, so the common root is surely e.g. a term similar to Latvian GAL-va meaning "head", since cabbages will have been named for being like heads or skulls (i.e. bones in this sense). So through the relationship of skull (bone of the head) - head - skill - wisdom - elder you have a logical combination of terms as to root of kaul- with the concept of "head" giving the idea of "wise", as in the Celtic terms, or, as we say today, brains.

I have written elsewhere about the Mark of Kahn, the wise men of the Hebrews.
See here.

But kaul- is a very old Indo-European term, quite clearly going far back beyond any Biblical times, so that Kaulin may in fact have preceded Cohen, i.e. Kau(l)en.